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Lunchtime CPD - An introduction to building conservation - 13th November

Location: This CPD is online. Cost: £20 + VAT and booking fee


This online lunchtime CPD session is now available for booking on the following dates..:

Webinar Wednesdays

12:30pm – 13th November

We believe that building conservation should be accessible to everyone.

We keep these Webinar Wednesdays session as affordable as possible to help you benefit from our experience.


This session will introduce you to the basic fundamentals of building conservation.   It is intended to give you a taste of what we do, why we do it and what can go wrong.


Why do you constantly talk about lime mortar and lime plastering?   What is lime anyway..?

Is cement really that bad for older buildings?    Why should I avoid gypsum plaster too..?

My mortgage valuation told me to get a ‘timber and damp report’ and now I’m told that injection dpc is bad.  Help!

Is only the front of my Listed Building actually ‘Listed’, so I can do whatever I want to the rest of the house?

What is Listed Building Consent and why is it different to Planning Permission?

I want to install double-glazing.  Is that ok?


These questions and many more will be explored and you will be taken through the basics of building conservation philosophy, historic building significance and the practical aspects of doing repairs.

The session will give you a good introduction into the world of building conservation and will hopefully give you the encouragement to find out more and join us on other more detailed training and site visits to see real buildings.





This training is suitable for everyone, regardless of background or experience.   No prior knowledge or qualifications is required.  It is taught in English, so you must have a good use of the English language.

The training is intended to be of most value to those with an interest in traditionally constructed buildings and perhaps would like to consider doing work for clients who own or buy older buildings.   It will also be of interest and value to owners and buyers of traditional buildings and give them awareness of what to expect from a surveyor.


More Training Available In-Person

This online CPD webinar will provide the basic information to help you have a better understanding about the basics of building conservation.

We also have in-person training dates which you might find of interest.   We firmly believe that the very best way to learn is through practical experience.


Training Instructor

Duncan is one of the UK’s most experienced Chartered Building Surveyors regarding historic and Listed Buildings, having been doing this work for over 35 years.   He runs Listed Building Surveys and he was Chair of the RICS Building Conservation Steering Group 2017 – 2023.  He is the lead author of the new RICS Professional Standard – Conservation of Heritage Buildings and Assets, which will be published in 2024.  Duncan teaches building surveying, architectural history, building pathology and building conservation to undergraduate, postgraduate and mature students and also to the general public and the trades.


This CPD training will be delivered online.    There are no handouts or course material.

This training will be delivered live on Zoom.   It will be recorded.  You will be encouraged to ask questions and participate in the discussion.

This training qualifies for 1 hour formal/structured CPD.




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